Saturday, August 2, 2008

Thing 17

I can see many uses for Rollyo for both myself and my students. I've mentioned before that I'm a huge "googler", but often the number of results is overwhelming. Using the rolls of others to obtain more succinct and useful results should help me to find what I want without having to go deep into the search pages.

My students do a number of research projects throughout the year. In the past, I've linked specific web pages to my school web page and have directed the students to use these sites to find their information. While this controls their content, it also limits their findings. Using Rollyo to achieve the same end will expand their search options with the same result. It will also allow me to leave my tailored searches on the web instead of having to remove them from my website once the project is complete.

Here's the link to my first (rather sketchy) roll:

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